Musings From Israel:

Sometimes amusing, sometimes thought-provoking, hopefully never mind-numbing. Everyday life here in Artzeinu Hakedosha. North American family of 6 moves to Israel (for a year)on a trial basis, then decides to stay.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Baruch...Dayan Ha'Emet

We have no idea what kochos our tefillos have, what far-reaching effects our good actions can result in. We daven to Hashem and need to remember that it is really all up to HIM.
I received a phone call that just a short while ago Leah bat Isabelle was nifteret.
The levaya will be held on Friday, BE"H.
May we be zochim to see, very soon, 'the other side' of the magnificent tapestry that HaKadosh Baruch Hu is weaving.

shabbat shalom u'mevorach
kiss your kids,
compliment your spouse ,
thank your parents
and be nice to your neighbours (even the ones you really don't like)and to strangers.
make a difference!

oif simachot!

Also, a dear family member will be undergoing extensive surgery for hip replacement on Thursday November 30 (East-Coast U.S.); Please recite tehillim for her; her name is Yenta bat Esther.


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