Musings From Israel:

Sometimes amusing, sometimes thought-provoking, hopefully never mind-numbing. Everyday life here in Artzeinu Hakedosha. North American family of 6 moves to Israel (for a year)on a trial basis, then decides to stay.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

urgent plea for tefillot

My aunt called me at about 8:30 this morning. She's expecting that some of you may have already heard tonight..
A close friend of the family is in desperate need of rachamei shamayim.
She has cancer, and at the moment is bad--the doctors--are not expecting her to survive the night.
She has a young family. Please daven for Leah bat Isabelle.

Also, a dear family friend will be undergoing extensive surgery for hip replacement on Thursday November 30; Please say tehillim for her;
her name is Yenta bat Esther.
I will--B"N-- update you as to their conditions if anything changes, but please feel free to follow up.

tizku limitzvot
shenishma besurot tovot


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